Event Details
09/08 Friday
➕ Lenx @lenx_____
➕ Séxtasy (DE) @mindsexstasy
Séxstasy is a Berlin-based artist & selector and enigmatic hero of the electronic scene, whose style is instantly memorable!
He is actively touring all over the world, regularly appearing in such iconic places as Kompass Klub (Ghent, Belgium), Rote Sonne (Munich, Germany), Sisyphos (Berlin, Germany), Intercell (Amsterdam, Netherlands), E1 (London, UK )
Venue Details
A peculiar cocktail bar & kitchen with DJ gigs on Fridays and Saturdays located in Gudiashvili Squ.
Cocktails • DJs • Friends
Open everyday: 19:00-02:00/04:00
Address: Lado Gudiashvili Square
Where to find us!
Lado Gudiashvili Square , Tbilisi,Old Town - Freedom Square